What a blast!
Thanks to the Royal Australian Navy, the Cowork Coplay program ran for 6 weeks in February-March 2024.
This was a pilot program run as part of Navy’s Stay Onboard – People First campaign.
15 adults participated in the program.
What’s included in programs
Six 3-hour Sessions
Six 3-hour sessions (1 per week) to work on career-related projects that are important to you.
A chance to build connections through facilitated networking and group activities.
Workshops with Mentors
Opportunities to participate in workshops, some with external mentors.
Morning tea
Have a break and a chat (and some caffeine!).
Child care
Children cared for nearby (creche-style care).
WIFI and modern facilities
Space for working and being connected online.

Participants told us they most appreciated:
- the sense of community and new, strong connections/networks with others
- increased positivity and confidence
- time to pursue their career/employment goals (& achieve them)
- relevant information about programs/services from Defence, government & others
- their kids cared for in a fun environment.
Image credit: Australian Department of Defence.
Want to participate in a future program?
Let us know